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HankyBook Gift Resource Page
Save money by ordering the packaging unassembled (an option in the shop page) or create your own packaging!
Preparing over a hundred wedding favors can be a daunting thought. Especially if it’s unfamiliar territory.
If we could share just one thing with you it would be the video at the bottom of this page on how to tie a ribbon. If you follow this method your ribbons won’t turn 90 degrees and look sideways. They will be give your favor the million dollar look.
A few notes about ordering your HankyBooks unassembled:
– The ribbon will come on small spools that you will have to cut yourself. We provide ample length (1 yard/HankyBook Ribbon Bow for the trickier 7/8″ and 5/8″ thickness ribbon).
– We highly recommend you purchase our cellophane wrappers. They fit the HankyBook perfectly and they serve 2 purposes. 1) Protect the HankyBooks from the elements or getting dirty during handling. The soft cotton fabric will grab dirt and try to soak it in! 2) The Labels do not look right when placed directly on the HankyBook fabric. If you are not bothered by either of these arguements then go for it at your own risk.
– Wrapping many ribbons gets easier when you have a cylindrical glass or object that is about 2 inches in diameter. If you tie the ribbon around this and make a tight bow, you can transfer this over to the HankyBook after and it will leave the cellophane and HankyBook looking fresh.
Labels and Tags:
Visit Evermine.com and you will find a tremendous selection of customizable stickers and tags to decorate your favors. You can choose the color, shape, graphics and text or you can upload your own design to make your tags and labels just like you want.
How to Tie a Ribbon:
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